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Benutzername: Oliver

Nummer des Beitrags: 10552
Registriert: 01-2000

Veröffentlicht am Montag, 19. Juli 2010 - 17:43 Uhr:   Beitrag editieren Beitrag löschen Schnellansicht Beitrag drucken    Beitrag verschieben (Nur für Moderatoren)

Tom Miller von Black Magic Missile Works hat mir diesen Fragebogen zukommen lassen. Es geht um den geplanten Flugcomputer UFC-4, der die Version 3 ersetzen soll.

Tom würde sich über entsprechendes Feedback freuen - falls Ihr ihm welches zukommen lassen wollt, dann gebt bitte kurz an, dass Ihr die Umfrage aus unserem Forum habt.

From: Tom Miller []
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2010 4:46 PM
Subject: RE: UFC-4 Survey

I didn’t get much of a response on this, maybe my timing was bad. Regardless I have rethought the product design and made a much more radical change. It will mean more work, and a longer delay before it is available (due to considerable software development tasks), but it should be a LOT more attractive device.

I’ve cut the cost to the absolute minimum while still retaining the high performance and features. Indeed, the accelerometer performance has be significantly improved, along with the original altimeter improvements. The buyer can purchase just the UFC-4 and purchase their own peripherals or have them integrated and tested with their order for a 25% markup (after I’ve paid the shipping and sales tax, that isn’t much).

This is possible because of the change to a Cypress Programmable System on Chip (PSoC) which is not only used in the new UFC-3 OSD Module just introduced, but I have also used it in a major new medical device (not a Black Magic product).

Your comments are welcome. Dealer inquiries are also welcome.

Thomas J. Miller

Black Magic Missile Works

P: 760-749-8291

C: 760-803-4107


Single Board; external Telemetry, GPS, Inertial Sensor
Modular (up to 8); only GPS is external
Single Board; internal Telemetry and Inertial Sensor, external GPS

2.5" x 6.5" x 1"
3.55" x 3.775" x .687" per module
2.5" x 5" x 1.25"

Minimum Airframe Size

50 MHz ARM 7
200 MHz ARM 9
80 MHz ARM Cortex (PSoC)

Flight Log Memory
SD Card
256MB Flash, SD Card
8MB Flash

Altimeter Range
10-1,100 mbar, 15-bit ADC
10-1,100 mbar, 15-bit ADC
10-1,300 mbar, 24-bit ADC

Altimeter Resolution
0.1 mbar
0.1 mbar
0.012-0.065 mbar

Altimeter Sample Rate
8 sps
8 sps
64-1,024 sps user programmable

single axis 40g
single axis 8g, 50g
3-axis 6/12/24g user programmable, single axis 50g optional

Accelerometer Resolution
80 mg
18, 100 mg
3/6/12 mg 3-axis, 25 mg for 50g

Accelerometer Sample Rate
256 sps
1,024 sps
1,024 sps

On-board ADC
10 10-bit single ended, 2 10-bit diff. with PGA (1 to 4,096 gain) no thermocouple
None (up to 32 16-bit diff PGA including thermocouple with additional modules)
single or diff., 8 lines total, 16 to 20-bit with PGA (1 to 50 gain), including thermocouple

Digitial I/O
18 (8 with Drivers)

Base Price

Price with Telemetry and 5 fps GPS

Price with Telemetry and 20 fps GPS

Price of Magnetic Compass Option

Price of Inertial Sensor Option

Price Notes
Assumes option(s) bought at once (10% discount)
Assumes option(s) bought at once (10% discount)
Price when user buys options/Price when BMMW supplies options (fully tested)

From: Tom Miller []
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 8:39 PM
Subject: UFC-4 Survey

Black Magic Missile Works, maker of the high performance UFC-2 and UFC-3 Universal Flight Computers, is in the planning stages for UFC-4. We would like your feedback on the most desirable characteristics and features. The objectives are to create a high performance system that meets the needs of the greatest number of flyers at the lowest possible cost to the end user.

The performance and functional characteristics would be taken from the most popular features of the UFC-3 with a form factor and format similar to the UFC-2:

Low Power 200 MHz, 32-bit ARM9 CPU
256 Mbyte Flight Log Memory supporting multiple flights (no SD Card support)
Dual Accelerometers (8g and 50g)
Improved Barometric Altitude Sensor to 100K with user selectable resolution (0.6’-3.4’ @ sea level, 6-32' @ 60K) vs. sample rate (64-1,024 per second respectively)
Dual Constant Current Pyro Channels for recovery deployment
Battery Voltage/Current Monitoring (6-25 VDC, approximately 1 W. with modem idle)
User defined Digital I/O Ports (number TBD)
LEDs for Power, Ready, Armed, Pyro Continuity, Telemetry Transmit and Receive, GPS Lock
900 MHz RF Modem, programmable power up to 1 Watt, up to 40 mile range (on board option)
5 fix per second GPS with Longitude, Latitude, Altitude, Heading and Horizontal Velocity (external option)
3-Axis Inertial Sensor, 819 sample per second (on board option)
Approximately 2.5" by 5" (fits a 3" airframe)
Base price $600 (same as UFC-3 Base Module)
Telemetry option $179 for Flight Modem, $299 Ground Modem (user supplied)
GPS option $200 (user supplied)
Inertial Sensor option $493-$655 depending on performance (user supplied)
Not expandable beyond stated options (unlike modular UFC-3)
High quality construction with conformal coating for severe environments

Note that all the options (Telemetry, GPS and Inertial Sensor) can be purchased separately by the user from to avoid our markup (we can supply these items with your purchase for a 25% markup, which includes integrated system test). We may offer a $250 3-Axis Digital Compass option (Anisotropic Magnetoresistive) option as an alternative to the gyroscope based Inertial Sensor.

All the programmable functions of the UFC-3 systems are available for the listed components (see .pdf for a complete description of the Flight Sequencer Scripts and Simulation functions).

Please reply off list. Please indicate your level of interest in this product (do you think you would buy it?). This is NOT intended to start a long debate (we get enough emails as is).


Tom Miller

Black Magic Missile Works

Grüsse Oliver, IMR-01001
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Gold Mitglied
Benutzername: Arnd

Nummer des Beitrags: 1598
Registriert: 08-2002
Veröffentlicht am Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010 - 14:39 Uhr:   Beitrag editieren Beitrag löschen Schnellansicht Beitrag drucken    Beitrag verschieben (Nur für Moderatoren)

Moin Oli,

interessant. Allerdings sind 800 Dollar Basispreis für so ein Teil für die meisten Raketeure unter uns keine Option. Dazu kommen noch Zoll, Steuern, Versand, Umtauschgebühren Euro in Dollar etc. Da kommst Du locker auf 1100 Dollar bis Du das Teil hier in Händen hälst.

Eine Alternative wäre der Altimax vom Louis. Der Altimax kommt aus Deutschland, kann vieles was das Amiteil auch kann und ist mit ca. 90 Euro Verkaufspreis vergleichweise preiswert.

Ansonsten wäre es Imho sinnvoll diesen Beitrag für die Freunde der deutschen Muttersprache ins deutsche zu übersetzen.

Cu Arnd

(Beitrag nachträglich am 20., Juli. 2010 von arnd editiert)
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Benutzername: Oliver

Nummer des Beitrags: 10553
Registriert: 01-2000

Veröffentlicht am Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010 - 17:22 Uhr:   Beitrag editieren Beitrag löschen Schnellansicht Beitrag drucken    Beitrag verschieben (Nur für Moderatoren)

Hallo Arnd,

soweit ich das verstanden habe ist die Elektronik auch eher im oberen HPR-Bereich angesiedelt? Also da, wo bereits der Preis eines Starts eine dreistellige Summe veranschlagt. Da dürften auch die Kosten für die Elektronik entsprechend hoch sein.

Eine Übersetzung habe ich leider nicht. Ich bin in diesem Bereich auch nicht so involviert, aber wer sich da auskennt kann natürlich gerne eine Übersetzung hier reinstellen?

Ein paar weitere Infos über diese Elektronik gibt es auch in dieser Newsmeldung:[tt_news]= 142&cHash=34140fe20556f2f79847bf691a47803e
Grüsse Oliver, IMR-01001

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